‘When people go to work, they shouldn’t have to leave their hearts at home’, runs the famous saying. |
Satadal Ray, a versatile people’s officer with progressive experience for 25 years, strongly endorsed this saying recently while addressing to a leading HR fraternity in Mumbai. |
“Devising great retention tool is the only solution to address great resignations”, Satadal Ray added. He continues, “ the retention tools should essentially include connecting with employees in impactful fashion, building a scalable culture of employee recognition than never before, stock augmentation for cloud based automated feedback template library for punching employee performance, separate and customized wellness programs for varied age band, building critical skills and competencies are a few major ones”. |
Time has evolved when the peoples’ process owner should provide to the management a scientific ‘Employee Retention Matrix’ rather than just the conventional Attritions’ Data either in absolute number or in percentile format, which shall undoubtedly project a more candid talent retention picture.
Opining on building critical skills and competencies Satadal Ray continues, ‘going forward, employees across position and geography must have fair exposure to UX/UI, big data science, chatbot, AI and digital learning besides the human aspect of increased resilience, stress tolerance and flexibility’. Soon the time shall knock the door of even the MSMEs for demanding these skill sets to their employees. |
Satadal further opined on ongoing Hybrid Work Model. He continues, “Hybrid Work Model shall invariably bring-in a hybrid future to the organization. The mental equation of employer and employees for acceptability of hybrid work culture ought to certainly be both ways instead of being an one way traffic. This means leaders will need to create, foster and nurture a culture when people are working from multiple places. The complex and sensitive responsibility to create constructive cultures will be made even more complicated by people working from everywhere. So, the HR leaders and line managers should establish a successful mechanism which of course are not expected to be without conflict. After all, people will always see things differently and it’s critical to provide the opportunity to discuss and debate on various points of view. It is most important that at the end of the day, the established cultures should have efficiency in itself to manage conflict & productively. My personal view is that the business leaders should understand that more the people are at a geographical distance, cultures run the risk of conflict and becoming less constructive”. |
Talking about the non – negotiable features and considerations for futuristic HR automations, Satadal added that for absorption of HR automations the industry needs more meaningful & actionable in-sights, omni-channel access, quick integration efficiency and uncompromising tamper-proofing as major ‘must have’ features.
Satadal was asked – ‘Why do soft skills matter in today’s hiring? As much as 85% skill gap is some way or other connected to soft skills’ deficit. Soft skills are becoming increasingly vital at workplace. Soft skills are very highly transferable and can be applied to numerous situations in several roles by one or a group of people when acting in concert. Exponential digital growth in our civilization as a whole, soft skills will become more vital in the workplace, Satadal replies. |
Satadal Ray is currently serving as Head – HR & Compliance in a leading infrastructure company based at Mumbai and is an active member of NIPM and AIMA.
Satadal can be reached at connectsatadalray@gmail.com